Today the traffic was extreme when we were leaving the city to head to the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall of China. After spending some time going at snail pace to the Chang tombs, we decided to leave the tombs for another trip and head straight to the Wall. After parking,we needed to catch shuttle buses to the base of the hill and then walk up the hill to the cable car. The cable car we took was fully enclosed but apparently there is another cable car which is open and you can then toboggan downhill but we didn’t see anyone coming down this way.

on the way to the wall
We didn’t have much time on the Wall and it would be good to send more time there and do more walking on the wall. Some of the steps can be a little steep and also narrow which means waiting to go up and come down occurs. But it was wonderfulto be there and be able to see the Wall so clearly extending over the hilly countryside. Again the weather was perfect, so again very lucky!

the Great Wall of China

the Great Wall

Paul on the Great Wall

more of the Wall

looking down the other section

we walked on the Great Wall Of China
We were taken straight to a Chinese cultural performance and made it with seconds to spare. It was a wonderful performance of two dynasties who were at war and the female emperor’s gold dynasty won over the male emperor’s blue dynasty. The two leaders then fell in love … and I won’t tell the rest of the story in case someone comes here to see it. It was a spectacular show of costumes, gymnastic skills and dance with the lighting effects and music adding to it.

cultural performance

on stage
Afterwards we went to the old quarter of Pipe street to a 100 year old restaurant building. Getting a taxi afterwards was a challenge but Paul managed to skilfully get one and we got back to the hotel.
This is the end of my China blog. Tomorrow we are just doing a little bit of shopping and then it is back home for us!