
We travelled from Delhi to Haridwar by car. As it was Sunday, the traffic was marginally better in Delhi and the traffic jam spots took less time. The trip was fairly long in time. We travelled 240km which took us 6 hours. It was on country roads with lots of potholes and speed bumps through mostly farming country including sugar cane and groves of trees used to make matches according to the guide. There were many cow pads stacked up, sometimes along rooves, sometimes almost like fences and others on dome-shaped mounds. on the roadside were many tyre, mechanic,tractor and food shops … and for the bikers, a bike repair shop.



We have become used to sharing our largebottle of Kingfisher beer with our evening meal but Haridwar and Rishikesh is apparently vego and no alcohol. The next few days will be alcohol-free and meat-free. The markets ar Haridwar were very colourful as usual and we found a few pickle shops which smelt very good


In the evening we attended the ceremonial arti on the Ganga. Apparently, there was a public holiday a few days ago and 300,000people attended. Probably lucky to be a few days after. It was wonderful and slightly different to what we saw at Varanasi. Next Rishikesh.
